About the Artist

Born in the year 2000, I grew up and went to school in the southern part of Germany. After graduating Highschool in 2018, I decided to apply to the University of Arts and Design Karlsruhe and entered the school in the following year. Initially, my studies were focused on photography. However, it was difficult for me to pursue my studies in this direction. After two troubling years in the school, I took a mental health related break from my studies.

During my time away from university, I got introduced to queer video games and zines by one of my partners. My interest was caught immediately, and I began digging deeper into the spectrum of games and zines, which have now become the key medium of my work. I returned to university in October 2022, where I am currentlyworking on my pre-diploma. My work is mostly, but not exclusively, centered around the spectrum of mental health, transidentity, neurodiversity and queer experiences.